Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ghajini - review

I watched it last week, but didn't get time to express my thoughts !!!!!

Well, it's a well made remake of tamil version without altering the essence. The climax was trimmed well and it's a neatly made movie in recent times. Few good points:

1) Aamir...well, its all the way Aamir. It's his grandiose show...be it a businessman role or STML patient, he fills the screen and he cornered Asin in performance !!!!!

2) Asin, definitely her career best and all she got to do is speak in hindi...again an excellent performance !!!!

3) ARR at his song. Nobody can stop him, the re-recording for hitting scene was far better than tamil version. Also songs and re-recording all the way was astounding !!!!!!!

4) Photography...ravi K chandran scores full marks just for one n only song..."Guzarishhhhh". It touches ur heart !!!!!

5) Details. As Aamir being a perfectionist took lots of care in continuity and details. In the hindi version, he used to hang the Polaroid Cam in his right shoulders...as he's lefty.(in Tamil it will be hanging on his left shoulder !!!!).

So it's complete paisa vasoool movie. a full package meals...!!!! WATCH IT !!!!

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