Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Two months of not so freqeunt blogging !!!!!!

Two months gone and only 5 posts..well thats not my type !!!! i could think of one reason, i m sort of pissed of in professional front....but thats how it works here...well atleast for me...life like waves...raise then fall...raise then fall...raise then fall....

Here's a list of things i wanted to blog but couldnt...

1) ARR's oscar.(nothing new to add, already all elite people spoke abt it)

2) Shanm went onsite.(now who'll clean the room ??????)

3) Sarvam - a rocking album.(katrukulle and Adada vaa are haunting...sure blockbuster)

4) SMS movie review.(light hearted comedy, i particularly like urvashi's character....typical mom !!!!)

5) Valkyrie movie review. (the best polictical thriller, though we'll know the end, but bryan singer somewhat kept us on the edge of the seat through out)

6) few Tea\Coffee\Snacks with SHE ;) (i'm lovin it...such an unpredictable character...in simple terms...nutcase)

7) MPL is back...this time we made a team of all likely minds, so gonna enjoy the game for sure forget winning or losing.

8) a bunch of OPIS KOMEDIES....i really forgot all now !!!!

9) More about the grandeur marriage i attended....the number crossed 70K and best part is rounds in Porsche cayenne...sexy gadget.

10) finally some imbalance moments......

well, i m not gonna write anything above in detail....but i decided to come back to normal and face whats there in the pack :) in BILLA style...."I'm Back !!!!"

1 comment:

Baish said...

welcome back to blogging :) u had so many lined up for blogging and am already thinking what next from me ...boss blogging world needs ur blogs ...so stop taking sanyaas from this good world