Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My best friends wedding

It's not the movie review, it's my best friends wedding on Mar 8th, 2009. I knew him from 9th std, he was introduced to me by another best friend shafi. This guy came to school and after couple of months only i started talking to him. We slowly and steadily became good friends in 1 year. Then he left our school and joined some other school, almost 1.5 years we haven't heard a bit about him and he also somewhat hid himself from all his old friends.

Then one fine day, i heard that voice at my gate, instantly i identified, it's him. Then he explained me why he has not contacted me for a year. fair enough reasons and by that time he almost quit studies and went into business. Though his father created an empire for him to maintain, i saw him slowly growing the ladder with his own intrinsic qualities.

I learnt many things from this guy, the power of silence, the choice of words, simplicity to the core and approach towards bigger things in life. In all these years he grew and became an indispensible power in the state. They are No.1 exporters in their field and got lots of laurels for their company. Above all, he always remembers me and shares things with me. I always felt positive vibrant when i speak to him.

He's getting married this weekend, it's gonna be a big event in madurai. I am in madurai now....joining these events :)


sreemaina said...

nice to have such a motivating friend.
enjoy madi!!!!

Rams said...

Convey my wishes to him da :-)

ஸ்ரீனிவாசன் said...

we went twice to ur house rama, it was locked so unable to deliver the invitation :(

will surely convey :)