Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Opis Komedies - Part 13: Ashwath -> bad word !!!!

As usual we were playing stupid games. Abhi called Ashwath (note: both were in same cubicle at that time !!!!!) and were chit chatting like:
Abhi: hey, is this ashwasth ?
Ashwath: yeah...is this abhi ???
This sort of crap communication...i pitched in, took the receiver from Abhi..this is wat happened next:

Me: Hey Ashwath....wazzup man ?
Ashwath: Hey A**H***..... (and he started to laugh as he has scolded me...i was just thinking wat to reply....promptly Abhi pitched in...)
Abhi:(to me) Dude, u abused him and thats why he abused you !!!!!

Ashwath started chasing Abhi..........!!!!!!!!!

PS: for those who dont understand...i said "hey Ashwath" and he scolded me...so..abhi mean to say that Ashwath -> bad word.
PPS: still if you dont understand...forget comedies are not for you !!!!!!!


Rams said...

good one da!

Agni said...

'Don' kku adutthu 'Ashwath' a? :D

ஸ்ரீனிவாசன் said...

NO NO...he's one rare piece da...dont ever under-estimate this guy...

PS: it was just not his day !!!!