Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ISSUE: TV and Radio

“In some countries, television and radio programs are carefully censored for offensive language and behavior. In other countries, there is little or no censorship.”
In your view, to what extent should government or any other group be able to censor television or radio programs?
Explain, giving relevant reasons and/or examples to support your position.


In this argument, the author gives an unfounded analogy on control over censorship of television and radio content. Before getting into the analysis of whether the government\group able to control the censorship, we have to analysis the necessities of it. Based on the necessities the conclusion can be drawn.

Turning first to the anecdotal reference, the author has not given the details of the countries that have these systems in place and what are all the effects. Does this system reduce any crime related to offensive language and behavior? Is there any supporting evidence for the same? No. The author’s statement is inconclusive and is not supported by vital proofs. So this gives us a prime concern on why to censor the contents?

Even if the author gives supporting evidences, then also we have other questions like, is television and radio are the only media to propagate obscenity. There are other mediums like movie, advertisement hoardings and internet which also reaches the people in the same way as television and radio do. Apart from these mediums, the environment and living also contributes the effect on human being. This conclusion is well supported by thesis and real experiments. So the author has not mentioned the amount of contribution of violence through TV and radio. So this again raises the question, why to censor only television and Radio?

Finally, even if all the above queries are answered, we still have doubts on the extent of government or group on control over the censor. How will the government or a group decide the parameters of the program? In few Middle West countries, in the name of censorship, they cut down any program that speaks against government. The people may be denied to know what’s happening in the country. Apart from all these things, Television and radios are predominantly available resource in houses. The control over the viewing is not only dependent on the broadcasters but also by the people in the family. They also have significant role in controlling the contents. They have remote control with them and they can always have an option of changing channels. So, people based on their conscience can also avoid unwanted contents if they really want to. So based on the above analysis, the government or group really can’t control the censorship of television or radio content unless they clearly have the plan. If there are enough evidences for the disturbances of established order through television and radio, then they can control the contents else it’s not the best way to do so.


rnkumar04 said...

Why So Series ?

ஸ்ரீனிவாசன் said...

i wrote that just to see how far i'm good in contradicting a thought