Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dreams are meant to be pursued...

What is a dream? For me, there are two types of dreams. First, it comes when u r asleep and the good thing is that u wont remember completely when u woke up. This quality makes it feel better than the other one, also u don’t have to chase behind it which u donno completely. Second type, comes when u r in all ur senses. It's a burning desire and it creates an urge to achieve and gives a great pain when u fail.

The first type of dreams have lots of scientific reasons, it's related to ur subconscious mind and some reflections of your day-to-day life. These dreams are just fantasy stuff, I had many such dreams. Like, once I was threatened by a 20 feet snake which was chasing me in all corners of the world. I had dreams of flying snakes, fast driven cars, destruction, tsunami, natural calamities. All are disturbing dreams, also sometimes, I had pleasant dreams. A green field, I was lying down, I saw a white horse, a beautiful girl riding with a very big hat. She stared at me and then smiled, I got up and started chasing her, and then I caught her and kissed her. It is the best dream I ever had. These dreams have nothing related to my life. It’s all mirages. After each of these dreams, I don’t remember most, but gives either couple of disturbing hours or pleasant hours. But right now I am not getting any of those dreams.

The second type of dreams comes from various inspirations of life. When we are kids, we get inspired by he-man, Spiderman, Batman, nevertheless…our own Shaktiman. Childhood dreams are fantasies, I wish I could fly, I wish I could fight; I wish I could travel to next galaxy, and lots I wished. It takes several years to realize the ground realities. After grown up a bit, I even laughed out at my earlier dreams. Then I had different set of dreams, one important thing is to get “First Rank”, which is highly un-achievable by any means!!!! I was just an average student, so that dream got shattered. I got miserable marks when I joined new school; I was frightened , I don’t felt the loss of my dreams. From then onwards, it was like hit n miss of all my dreams. I achieved few and lost many.

Despite all the pros and cons, dreams are something which keeps the spark alive. It’s dreams which is inspiring to run the show. I still have the list of shattered dreams; I am still counting on them. I will reach them at least once in my lifetime, but also, I can clearly say there is one dream which will never be achieved. I have no worries for that, coz life has to move on….a very important person wrote this is in my slam-book. Dated 8 yrs ago: “Dreams are meant to be pursued, so never give up and you will definitely achieve it one day” My pursuit of knowing this person more will never be achieved, but these words keep me alive and inspires for more dreams !!!!!

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