Thursday, February 28, 2008

Writer Sujatha passed away

Very sad news and nearly after 8 years it brought tears in my eyes for someone who passed away. Eventhough he's 72 but still cant digest his death.

Sujatha+ananda vikatan helped me a lot in learning Tamil. The first novel i read by Sujatha is "AAH" it came in 1990 (no time for verification now). All the episode ends with the letter "AAH" and eventhough i dont get the whole meaning of the novel at that time...i simply enjoyed reading it. Then his science fiction and physics works, he got amazing talent in conveying the message in common man language, lots of examples for that, this is one such: when he explains analog and digital signal, he wrote "Analog signal is like curve and digital signal is 36-28-36" what more explanation do you want????

he got many significant achievements, like inventing\re-designing the voting machine for Indian vote system, making science fiction a concept to write stories, registered his day-to-day life as "Katrathum Petradhum"...too many to pen down. I am emotionally struck to write minute details...

I take this time to thank him for all his work....

PS: will write some minute details soon. I wrote this in English coz the reach will be higher. will definitely write abt him in Tamil also.


Agni said...

Good one... But the elicitation could've been somewhat more continuous and sure enough his death is an irrecoverable loss!

ஸ்ரீனிவாசன் said...

u r true...i was totaly off-mood today. work is also not going be frank i am in perfect imbalance state...hope u understand

Agni said...

Oh yeah! :)

Velan said...

never matter half of u r life time u r in imbalance state..IN remaining quarter of that half you just sleep. :-) Offence Meant but in a lighter vein.

ஸ்ரீனிவாசன் said...

@VELAN: nee un nanbanda, correcta purinju vachirukka :-)