Friday, November 28, 2008

Opis Komedies - Part 27: Thank god !!!!!!!!

One more Quarterly townhall meeting and i organized the fun events(as usual).

Our IBU head came at the end of the meeting and he was delivering an inspiring speech about the present trend and how my company is taking steps and how each and every person has to react for this situation. It was really inspiring...and this happened next:

IBU HEAD: we have seen such situations earlier also, in 2001...(turning towards me) srini, were u there at that time ?
Me: (a big) NO !!!!
IBU HEAD: thank god, that's why we survived !!!!

The whole hall burst out of laughter and i really donno what to say !!!!!

Two things I can take from it:
1) it was just for fun !!!!
2) even he knows me !!!!

PS: he he he he he !!!!
PPS: whatever situation maybe, i take only the positive outcomes !!!!!
PPPS: srini thathuvam solraaanpa, note pannungappa!!!!


Deepak said...

That was a good touch!

Deepak said...

BTW, I read thru all your "Opis" comedies. I work at an IT company too, so I can relate to all you have written! :)

Came over here from Raji's blog.

ஸ்ரீனிவாசன் said...

Thanks to scientist...

i saw ur blog listed in Rams blog also...were u friend of Rams ????